Covenant Marriage
There are always questions from those not of the mormon faith when a friend or family member is married in the temple. Many do not understand why someone would choose this when it means that some of those that they love will not be able to attend. My dad is a convert to the church and he and my mom were married civilly first and then were sealed in the temple a few years later. As part of the second generation, I have been raised in the church and chose to marry my spouse in the temple. Obviously there were many members of my dad's side of the family who were unable to attend the ceremony as they are not members. This can be difficult for others to understand and can even be interpreted as excluding others.
My family was very supportive and while they could not enter the temple, were happy for us and joined us at the reception to celebrate. While I know that this was difficult for some to understand, I felt that it was an important step both for myself and for my family. I knew that I wanted an eternal marriage. One that would bind my spouse and I forever and set us on a path of learning and growing together with the Lord as our guide. I knew that making a temple marriage a priority would also show my family how important it was to me.
I am so grateful to have a family that values marriage irrespective of religion. The world can benefit from solid, happy and healthy unions between husbands and wives. When we strengthen marriage and family, we strengthen the world.
“Marriage is the foundry for social order, the fountain of virtue, and the foundation for eternal exaltation. Marriage has been divinely designated as an eternal and everlasting covenant. Marriage is sanctified when it is cherished and honored in holiness. That union is not merely between husband and wife; it embraces a partnership with God.”
—Russell M. Nelson
“Nurturing Marriage,” Ensign, May 2006, 36
How would seeing our marriage as a partnership between ourselves and the Lord Jesus Christ be beneficial?