Safeguarding our Marriages

4:58 PM Sarah 0 Comments

It has been said by modern day prophets, that "Infidelity is one of the greatest sins of our generation." 

This week we have been studying the principles of purity within marriage.  I have been very intrigued by the readings we have had this week on the issue of emotional infidelity.  I think it is so widely believed that as long as we do not participate in any physical act, we have nothing to be worried about.  We have not committed a sin against God or our spouse. 

We have been warned time and again that Satan wants nothing more than to destroy families.  He will use any means necessary to accomplish this task.  He does not care which straw actually breaks the camel's back as long as it gets broken.  A quote from Goddard's chapter really stuck out to me on this topic.  He said "today Satan attacks us with subtle and indirect means.  He gets us inappropriately close to someone who is not our spouse under the guise of missionary work, friendship, or helpfulness.  He subtly builds inappropriate emotional bonds while quieting our consciences with weak rationalizations." 
 I'll always have my heart be a little broken.:

It is alarming to me to know just how many people have been through this very situation.  Even more alarming is how many never even realized it was happening.  In hindsight it is so clear and each step can be quickly identified from thoughts to feelings to actions.  

The good news is that we are not helpless in preventing this.  When we keep our spirits in tune and we stay close to the Lord, we will be aware of possible problems.  We will be careful to guard our selves and to take responsibility for the messages that we give to others.  Ultimately, we will have hearts that are full of charity, which is the pure love of Christ and this will endear us to our spouse and to the Lord.  I think what happens, is that at the end of the day, we will care less about what others think of us and more about what He thinks of us.  With this mindset, we are well prepared to safeguard our marriages.

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